01. Sign up
Choose a weekday and first delivery date, create your account, and check out.
02. Manage your deliveries
Check out your account and make changes to the schedule to dictate when we bring you flowers. Skip and unskip dates as you need, up until the evening before delivery.
03. Arrange and enjoy
We will bring your flowers along with flower food, arrangement and care instructions. Exercise your creative muscles and enjoy the flowers!

Where are my flowers?
When your flowers are out for delivery you will receive a text with an ETA window and a tracking link. You will receive another when your flowers are marked as delivered, and the link will take you to see a proof of delivery photo.
If you cannot find them please let us know as soon as possible at or 929-626-8262 and we will help.
Not home for delivery?
We pack our flowers unarranged and not in water, but with hydration materials to keep them from drying out on their way to you. This means they will be fine if left for you until you get home, and if you'd like them left in a particular place, please let us know.
Flower issues
Please let us know if you experience any issues, and we will do our best to resolve them ASAP. Pictures are helpful, not least because some of the more extrovert flowers can look unusual but are actually supposed to be
Am I obliged to have a certain number of deliveries?
Use your account to set when you receive flowers. We don't mind how often or little that is, and you only pay for each delivery as it comes.